If you want to enhance customer engagement and boost conversions, Dynamic Price Changes on Magento 2 Product Pages could be your next game-changer. Dynamic pricing enables real-time updates that reflect discounts, custom pricing, or bundled offers directly on product pages, creating a transparent and responsive shopping experience. Implementing best practices like caching optimization and clear messaging ensures smooth operations while reducing page load times.In this blog post, we are going to code how to dynamically change the price on the product page for Magento 2
Dynamic Price Changes on Magento 2 Product Pages
To add JS code on the product page, we have created layout file and added js file in content reference container.
<page layout="1column" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template"
name="pricechange" as="pricechange" template="Codedecorator_Learn::product/js.phtml"/>
After creating layout file, lets create template file which will have our js code
require(["jquery","Magento_Catalog/js/price-utils"], function(jQuery,priceUtils) {
var productPrice = parseFloat(jQuery('span.price-final_price > span[data-price-type="finalPrice"]').attr('data-price-amount'));
var finalPrice=100;
formatedPrice = priceUtils.formatPrice(parseInt(finalPrice));
jQuery('span.price-final_price > span.price-wrapper > span.price').text(formatedPrice);
var finalPrice=productPrice+(pricePerText*textObjects)+(pricePerImage*imageObjects);
formatedPrice = priceUtils.formatPrice(parseInt(finalPrice));
jQuery('span.price-final_price > span.price-wrapper > span.price').text(formatedPrice);
}); // Required
After creating both the files, just flush the cache using the following command.
php bin/magento cache:flush
Mastering dynamic price changes on Magento 2 product pages can transform how customers interact with your store. With proper configuration and adherence to best practices, you can offer real-time pricing updates that add transparency and value to your online business. This not only fosters trust but also maximizes conversions and revenue. Whether you’re a developer or a store owner, staying proactive with such advanced features ensures your Magento 2 store remains competitive. For tailored solutions and professional support, contact a reliable e-commerce development company to help implement these changes effectively.
Happy Coding 😀
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